Individual Coaching

Get on your way to reach your aims

In our coaching we work on finding a healthy balance between the high demands in your professional and private life and your individual needs and requirements.
The better the match between activity and inner motivation the more engaged, effective and harmonic is your move through life. Pleasure and enthusiasm make it a guarantee for success. Primary goals of our coaching are to reduce and finally close the gaps and to find access to inner motivation and to your resources.

In our opinion coaching is a way to gain more authenticity, to be able to meet the challenges in a better way and to develop a new source of power. This is only possible through individual confrontation and internal growth.
In the light of our long lasting experience we create a coaching process on the one hand full of mindfulness, respect, appreciation and acceptance on the other hand with reasonable confrontation and open feedback. Aims, contents and framework conditions will be fixed in a personal coaching.

After analyzing your physical and mental condition we develop a strategy concept fitting your individual needs to develop your personal resources.

We navigate you to your aims by including sports, relaxation, emotional competence and work-life-balance

Your commitment:
Time, discipline, engagement

Your gain:
Knowhow to inner efficiency increase
- rising performance and relaxation ability
- inner abundance and satisfaction instead of permanent frustration
- increase of your tension instead of burnout

This is all together sustainable increase in value for you as an individual.

To learn more about our coaching please call or send an e-mail.

(C) 2011 - all rights reserved

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